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This calculator is provided for educational purposes only and does not serve as legal, financial or tax advice. You should always consult with your financial planner, attorney and/or tax advisor as needed.

Results and analyses are based on information provided by you and no assumptions are made as to your particular situation. Projections are hypothetical and are not guaranteed. All investments carry a degree of risk and past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit and do not protect against loss in declining markets. You should discuss reallocation of funds, potential fees and investment options with your financial advisor.

To proceed with the calculator, select the Terms of Use box below.

Terms of Use Disclaimer

  1. I understand that the use of this calculator is for planning purposes only.
  2. I agree that the results obtained herein are a product of my own input and do not constitute guarantees of any kind from the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems or any other person or entity.

Before you can use this calculator, you must review disclaimer and select the check box.

Enter your current age.

Your total gross (before-tax) salary expected for the current year.

How often are you paid?

Estimate the average annual adjustment to your salary.

Enter the number of withholding allowances you indicated on your W-4 form. The more allowances claimed, the less income tax is withheld from your paycheck.

This information will be used for tax and Social Security calculations.

Indicate whether or not you pay FICA tax.

The total of your current Plan 3 contribution account balance.

Enter the rate of return you expect to receive on your Plan 3 investment contributions.

As an example, 3% is a conservative growth rate, 6% is moderate and 8% is more aggressive.

Option A: 5% all ages
Option B: 5% up to age 35; 6% ages 35 through 44; or 7.5% age 45 and older
Option C: 6% up to age 35; 7.5% ages 35 through 44; or 8.5% age 45 and older
Option D: 7% all ages
Option E: 10% all ages
Option F: 15% all ages

Enter an alternate contribution rate to compare to your current scenario.

Option A: 5% all ages
Option B: 5% up to age 35; 6% ages 35 through 44; or 7.5% age 45 and older
Option C: 6% up to age 35; 7.5% ages 35 through 44; or 8.5% age 45 and older
Option D: 7% all ages
Option E: 10% all ages
Option F: 15% all ages

Note: Plan 3 members cannot change contribution rates unless you change employers. If you wish to increase your contributions, consider joining an additional retirement savings program like DCP.

Enter the total of pre-tax deductions from your paycheck.

Enter the total of after-tax deductions from your paycheck.

Retirement Savings
Plan 3 Investment Withdrawals
Life Expectancy
Take Home Pay Calculator
TAP Annuity Estimator